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Migrant Ministries

Churches & Members Legal Rights

Church members involved in ministries in support of migrants, immigrants, and refugees may feel concerned about how their faith and the law might call them to respond if ICE or other law enforcement personnel questions them at church or on the ministry field.


Churches, their members and employees have 4th amendment rights. That gives them the right to refuse to admit law enforcement into the church unless certain conditions are met.

• A valid search warrant must be presented that was signed by a judge (not just an ICE or other law enforcement official).

• All names listed in the search warrant must be correct, with correct spelling and contact information


Churches also have 5th amendment rights, which includes the right to remain silent. Members, guests, and employees do not have to answer questions.

Immigrants Rights

Red Cards / Tarjetas Rojas


The Know-Your-Rights Red Cards are available in more than 20 languages. On one side they advise of legal rights, on the other side are those rights in English. The cards are designed to be provided to immigration authorities while staying safe, asserting those rights, and asking for a lawyer.


Download printable Red Cards or order from here.




Informed Immigrants provides a concise set of what rights immigrants hold and how to exercise them in various settings: Website visitors can choose their language in which to view the website. Specific legal recommendations for the following situations are covered:

Your Rights Inside of Your Home

  • If ICE comes to your door

  • If ICE has a valid warrant or enters your home without permission


Your Rights Outside of Your Home

  • If you are stopped in a public space

  • If you are at work

  • If you are driving

  • If you are at an airport or port of entry​​


I was a stranger and you welcomed me.png

Leviticus 19: 33-34

33 “ ‘When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. 34 The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God.​

United Methodist Council of Bishops
Rio Texas Conference – United Methodist Church

A UMC Conversation: The Journey With Migrant, Immigrant, and Refugee

January 28, 2025 Webinar Recording and Resources

Bishop Cynthia Fierro Harvey (Rio Texas and Texas Annual Conferences) along with the Rio Texas  Conference of the UMC are taking the point position for a faithful response on immigration issues in the U.S. due to the proximity to the border and the length of the border that Texas shares with Mexico.

The ACLU provides additional detailed situational information: along with videos in several languages at the link.


Justice for Our Neighbors is a partner of the United Methodist Church with branches in several Texas cities, including in Austin. They provide legal services and representation, education, and emergency preparedness.

More Immigrant Legal Help

A list of organizations and their contact information (mostly in Texas) that are local and public-facing, providing a variety of services.

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