formerly Mother's Day Out

Academic growth
The administration, teachers, and parents of Wimberley UMC Bright Beginnings Preschool share a common commitment to provide a safe, secure,
and nurturing early childhood education program that fosters each child’s independence, curiosity, and development.
Our We Care Curriculum is a framework for teaching children 6 months to
5 years, and Handwriting Without Tears is also used with pre-school age
students 3 years to 5 years.
Daily program :
• Age-appropriate classroom learning centers: art, science, blocks, dramatic play,
table games, math, writing, book center, sensory table, provide
opportunities to enhance skills, make choices, and solve problems, while interacting with teachers and peers.
• Individual/group activities, active/quiet play, indoor/outdoor
learning experiences.
• Thursday - Weekly chapel
• Tuesday - Library/story time
• Wednesday (once a month) Wimberley Librarian visits for
puppet/story time

Licensed and operated under guidelines established by
the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services,
Wimberley Bright Beginnings Preschool is a ministry of
the Wimberley United Methodist Church and operates
under the direction of the Board of Directors and Pastor.
Wimberley UMC follow’s the Wimberley ISD school calendar,
Monday through Friday. Space available daily enrollment.
Regular: 8:30am - 2:30pm
Early drop off: 7:30am
Late pick up: 5:30pm
Our Mission
At WUMC we believe that children are God’s gift to us, and how we respond to them is our gift to God. Bright Beginnings program, an intentional effort to reach out to children in a loving and caring manner so they can grow spiritually, is our gift to God’s glory. It is our mission as a church to make this non-profit opportunity available for the children and families of our community.
Our goals are:
1. To establish, operate and manage a non-profit day care/preschool.
2. To provide a program for the physical, spiritual, social, and intellectual
growth of the child.
3. To employ qualified staff/teachers for infant to 2 year olds.
4. To employ Early Childhood Degree lead teachers for 3 to 5 year olds.
5. To employ qualified Teacher Aids for all classrooms.
6. To promote Parental and Community involvement.
Contact and application
For additional information about Bright Beginnings at Wimberley UMC,
contact director Matilda Long director@brightbeginningswimberley.org or call 512-847-7924.
Applications for enrollment may be downloaded here.